Pet Memorial


Getting to come to work with my mom every day of my life.

Nicknames: Sexy Rexy, Rex-anne, Rexy, brindle boy, rexy roo
Pet parents: Michelle chafe
Siblings: Kumo and Louie
Favourite toys: Sticks, balls, tug toys, his tail
Birth/gotcha date: 2007-08-13
Death date: 2018-11-23
Favourite Activity: Swimming, doggie daycare, hiking, schutzhund, cabin
Favourite food: Sardines, cheeseburgers, hot dogs
Least favourite thing: Lettuce
Friends: Zander, Judge, Orlagh, Kumo, Louie

Pet Memorial


Pipe was loved by many and will be missed by many. Our lives will never be the same. Run free with Odin across the rainbow bridge. We’ll love you always, our forever puppy.

Nicknames: Mr. Dew, Pip, Pipey-Dew, Dew, Dewie, Pig Newton, Darnell. The list is endless.
Pet parents: Natasha & Corey
Siblings: Human siblings Emily and Coady. Four legged angel brother Odin, his 7 little reptile friends especially Raine & Quinn
Favourite toys: Earl the squirrel, beany boos, Gretchen, Peter & his grey kong balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2017-06-28
Death date: 2022-09-27
Favourite Activity: Swimming and ‘picking’ blueberries, trips to Starbucks for a pup cup.
Favourite food: Pizza
Least favourite thing: Rain
Friends: Nan & Pop, Aunt Yo, The baristas at Starbucks

Pet Memorial


Pearl was a precious little girl who was loved by everyone. She once was a stray, she was deaf, had frostbitten ears and she had an eye condition that the vets could not cure. I became her foster mom one year, and I fell in love with her so much, that I couldn’t let her go. I adopted her and everyday she was kissed and hugged. She was my little shadow, waited in the window for me everyday till I got home from work and she loved KFC chicken. We are all heartbroken and very sad. There will be no other furbaby like her. Love you always baby girl. xo.

Nicknames: Pearly Whirley, Mama
Pet parents: Jerrie and Dwayne George
Siblings: Cookie, Oreo, Bluey, Dixie, Nicky, Toya, Chowder
Favourite toys: white mouse on a string
Birth/gotcha date: 2016-09-01
Death date: 2022-09-08
Favourite Activity: following her mom
Favourite food: KFC Chicken
Least favourite thing: fans

Pet Memorial


Zoey was full of life, everyday was and adventure.

Pet’s name: Zoey
Nicknames: Zo
Pet parents: Bill and Jill
Siblings: Sarah, Allison and Luke
Favourite toys: Bone
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-12-03
Death date: 2022-09-03
Favourite Activity: Swimming, running
Favourite food: Anything
Least favourite thing: Ketchup
Friends: Everyone was a friend

Pet Memorial

Lexi Graham

Lexi loved going to the beach, following her Dad wherever he went. She was a ball of energy and made us laugh every day. We were lucky to have her in our lives, she will be missed beyond measure.

Nicknames: Big Pig
Pet parents: Jessie and Nicole Graham
Siblings: Tyson
Favourite toys: Pig toy or her ball
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-10-08
Death date: 2022-08-31
Favourite Activity: Swimming, Tug of War and Playing Fetch
Favourite food: Eating her brothers food
Least favourite thing: Being told no

Pet Memorial

Harley Quinn

She was a very quick learner. We were able to teach her how to sit, lay down, sit up, shake paw and other paw as well as reach for the sky. All were taught using hand signals. We will always remember her getting the zoomies and breaking the shoe rack in the process. After being in the car for 4 day driving from Ontario to Newfoundland, she wasn’t as happy to get in the car anymore, lol. Her cuddles on the couch will be missed my all.

Pet parents: Amanda and Jayson
Siblings: Abbygail and Neil
Favourite toys: Toy Tire
Birth/gotcha date: 2019-07-31
Death date: 2022-08-24
Favourite Activity: Tug of War
Favourite food: Strawberries
Least favourite thing: Getting her nail cut
Friends: Jube Jube and Delilah

Pet Memorial


Lulu was always in a hurry, she would “scurry” around the house. Getting ready for work in the morning I would have to share the bathroom sink with Lulu – she would wait (not so patiently) for me to turn on the tap so she could drink. Breakfast time was her favorite time! She would jump up as I was sharing the food out and eat half of her wet food, half of Finnegan’s, then finish hers once I put the dishes down for them both. Finnegan knew the routine and always waited patiently for Lulu to eat whatever she wanted from both dishes before chowing down. She was a spitfire – barely 6 lbs and ruled the house. Her brothers are big boys (15 and 19 lbs) and they knew she was the queen. We miss her hisses and fiesty meows. I took Lulu in temporarily from a family member in 2014 but loved her far too much to ever part with her. Lulu, thank you for giving me 8 wonderful years of love and memories.

Nicknames: Lululemon, Louie
Pet parents: Amanda Halfyard
Siblings: Pusser and Finnegan
Favourite toys: Toy mice
Birth/gotcha date: 2014-11-16
Death date: 2022-07-31
Favourite Activity: People watching from her cat tree, chasing Finnegan, hissing at her brothers, lap naps with mom
Favourite food: Treats, wet food, human food – anything she could get her paws on
Least favourite thing: Mom rubbing her nose, Finnegan trying to cuddle

Pet Memorial


Her unconditional love for her entire family. She knew when one of her family members were sad and she crawl in your arms and kiss your face to make you feel better.

Nicknames: Girlie
Pet parents: Darlene and Tony Byrne
Siblings: Montannah and Tim
Favourite toys: Stuffies with a squeaker
Birth/gotcha date: 2007-11-22
Death date: 2022-07-16
Favourite Activity: Going on walks and playing with Zoe her friend
Favourite food: Baked chicken
Least favourite thing: Dry dog food
Friends: Zoe and Princess

Pet Memorial


Coming home from work and seeing her wag her tail and giving me her slobbering kisses; it was the best part of both of our days. I miss Sasha so much.

Nicknames: Sash, mommy’s girl
Pet parents: Trina Engram
Favourite toys: Bear, frog, basically any fuzzy squeaky toy
Birth/gotcha date: 2008-01-06
Death date: 2022-07-11
Favourite Activity: Going for walks
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: Bath

Pet Memorial

Mia Sophia

Sitting up at table like a human eating Kraft dinner and she loved her hugs. Loved to chase her ball. She loved getting on the table if the dishes were left there. And most of all she loved to open presents.

Pet parents: Anne-Marie Brown
Favourite toys: Stuff small toys
Birth/gotcha date: 2022-11-05
Death date: 2022-07-15
Favourite Activity: Rooting into the garbage can
Favourite food: Table scraps if she could get them and cheese
Least favourite thing: Going for a walk
Friends: Macie and Bruno