Pet Memorial


Every second with my girl was my favorite memory. I would give everything I have in this lifetime to have her wet nose poke me to wake up again, and run on the beach on our camping trips and our long walks around the neighborhood. She was my sidekick, wherever I went she was right there with me.

Nicknames: Re-re
Pet parents: Jeanette & Ed
Siblings: Bailey
Favourite toys: Ball and rubber hoop
Birth/gotcha date: 2016-12-27
Death date: 2025-02-11
Favourite Activity: Car Rides, playing catch, walks with mom
Favourite food: Ice cream, watermelon
Least favourite thing: Having her teeth brushed
Friends: Atlas, Akira(already crossed the rainbow bridge)

Pet Memorial


Leonard was the sweetest and most gentle cat, who never once scratched us. He used to love relaxing in his tent, exploring the backyard and further, playing with his doggie friends, stretching out like ‘Super Leonard’ while I fly him around the house, freaking out on catnip, sleeping and relaxing on my lap and other places, and waiting for me to give him milk-soaked cereal in the morning. He will be forever missed.

Nicknames: Purr Monster, Leonard Puss, Little Leonard, Furr ball Puss, Meowy Puss
Pet parents: Sean Churchill and Deanna Diamond
Favourite toys: Cat fishing rod, catnip mice, and balls with bells inside
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-07-01
Death date: 2025-02-03
Favourite Activity: Napping
Favourite food: Tuna fish, Fancy Feast, and Greenies cat treats
Least favourite thing: Getting the tips of his claws gently trimmed
Friends: Our dogs, past and present (Roxy, Daphne, and Frank), and my brother, Daniel

Pet Memorial

Henry George

Going to the beach

Pet parents: Angela Hedderson
Siblings: Maddy
Favourite toys: Tennis Ball
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-08-01
Death date: 2025-02-11
Favourite Activity: Car rides, Eating, Relaxing in the Garden
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: Being alone

Pet Memorial

Toby Rose

Toby was our buddy more especially his dad. Everywhere we went Toby was with us be it on the side by side on the boat berry picking going for a walk or just to go for a coffee, where we were he was. One day he was sick ant home and my boss knew I was tormented so he told me to bring him to work with me. I didn’t because I was a school secretary and the office would have been full with our children coming to visit him


Toby loved cuddling in bed. If either of us was in bed late be it after his dad working night shift or not feeling well, Toby would not move until we did.
He loved his Christmas tie. And his fuzzy coat and Barrells were his favorite treat. He loved playing football with it before he would eat it.
We will forever miss Toby but we are so thankful for him in our lives and to have had him with us for 14 years.

Nicknames: Toby
Pet parents: Kevin and Bonnie
Siblings: No pet siblings.
Favourite toys: Didn’t like toys
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-04-16
Death date: 2025-01-29
Favourite Activity: Loved playing football with his barrells
Favourite food: Steak and basmati rice
Least favourite thing: Didn’t like being disturbed when he was resting

Friends: Bosco Sophie and Tiger.

Pet Memorial

Sadie Hynes

Sadie was the best!! Anyone who met Sadie knew she was a gentle soul. Sadie would give me the biggest hugs, a friend of mine seen it one time and said she really do give hugs! Sadie loved to eat, Sadie loved getting rubbed, Sadie loved everyone and everyone who met her loved her too. We love you Sadie. We will meet again

Nicknames: Saders
Pet parents: Travis & Lindsay Hynes
Favourite toys: Kong toys
Birth/gotcha date: 2015-03-30
Death date: 2025-01-28
Favourite Activity: Eating, Sadie loves her Belly
Favourite food: Chips
Least favourite thing: Salad

Pet Memorial

Patti Lucky Pike

Patti was born on St Patrick’s Day and was a very lucky pup. She was the princess of our family for almost 18 years, and she thought she was a baby, not a dog. She loved to sleep on a pillow, travel to Florida, trips around the bay, camping and walking around Adam’s Pond with her mom and dad. She loved teddy bears and ice cream. She protected our family from many delivery drivers, went to all mom’s work meetings, was at all dad’s running finish lines, all Jeremy’s baseball games and snuggling with Melissa every morning before school. She fought very hard to stay as long as possible with us, despite all her illnesses. Our hearts are broken and we will miss her everyday.

Nicknames: Grover
Pet parents: Craig and Lisa Pike
Siblings?: Melissa, Chris, Jeremy and Gabby
Favourite toys: Teddy Bears
Birth/gotcha date: 2007-03-17
Death date: 2025-01-28
Favourite Activity: Daily walk with mom and dad, travelling to Florida
Favourite food: Ice cream, dad’s granola bars and green peppers
Least favourite thing: Getting a bath and visiting the groomer
Friends: Django

Pet Memorial

Bella Hickey

Pet parents: Peter and Margaret Hickey
Siblings: Rosie and Peanut
Favourite toys:


Birth/gotcha date: 2009-11-15
Death date: 2025-01-24
Favourite Activity: Going for long walks with Daddy and also going for car rides
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: Climbing stairs
Friends?: Rosie Daisy and Peanut
Favourite memories: Bella was a great and loving dog. She was 15 .we loved her so so much. She is sure going to be miss .Bella loved going for car rides when we get home she didn’t want to get out. She Also like going for walks with Daddy. Love and miss you sweetie.

Pet Memorial


Harley loved to be in charge of everything and he let people know by biting their toes, his growls and his strut when he walked. He loved to cuddle with his mom whenever he could. He loved his nanny and poppy Stokes, even after he went blind and deaf he knew their presence and got excited. He was a real jewelry lover as he always climbed on people just to nibble on their earrings or their necklace. Harley was a very special dog who had a lot of love to share but he chose who he shared it with. But his most favorite love of all was his little stuffed lambchop. The little sheep puppet that was on the children’s show. His most noticeable features was his tiny face and his plume of soft fur. Even in his old age he was often mistaken as a young puppy. He was a small dog but could show he was not afraid of anything or anyone when it came to protecting the ones he loved most.

Nicknames: Hailston, Harlito, Harley Davidson, Lil Buddy, Harley Barley and Contrary arss
Pet parents: Scott and Pamela Norman
Siblings: Brianna, Samantha, ShiAnne and Normie
Favourite toys: Lambchop
Birth/gotcha date: 2005-08-31
Death date: 2025-01-10
Favourite Activity: Biting peoples toes, walks and the beach
Favourite food: Kraft dinner and weiners
Least favourite thing: Going for long drives and being left alone
Friends: Norman and Jasper

Pet Memorial

Harley Davidson Swain

Christmas and Birthdays!Harley loved opening gifts!

Nicknames: Harles,Bud,Sweet Boy
Pet parents: A & M Swain
Siblings: R & K Swain
Favourite toys: Squeaky duck!
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-10-29
Death date: 2025-01-25
Favourite Activity: Hanging out with the family,eating,rolling in the snow,truck rides
Favourite food: Bologna
Least favourite thing: Being left alone
Friends: His family

Pet Memorial


Kody has been such a big part of our family from day one. He loved to play, but mostly he just loved to cuddle and be with us. He was so laid back and just went with the flow whether it was a car ride, camping or being dressed up. He loved his spa days with his sister Zoe at Clip-and-Dales and was always so proud of his new hair cut. His passing leaves a void we will always feel. He was Mom’s precious good boy, Dad’s little buddy and human sister’s teddy bear.

Nicknames: precious good boy/teddy bear
Pet parents: Tina, David & Karleigh
Siblings: Zoe and Sophie
Favourite toys: Squeeky dragon
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-01-17
Death date: 2025-01-15
Favourite Activity: Cuddling
Favourite food: salmon
Least favourite thing: medicine