
Panamera was always the sweetest and snuggliest girl. She loved to be held, and would jump up into our arms to be cuddled. If she wanted attention while we were asleep, she would paw at our faces until we woke up to give her love. She loved playing with her siblings and was a little ball of energy. Panamera loved everyone and was loved by everyone.

Nicknames: Pana, Pancake
Pet parents: Jade Taylor and Devon Wall
Siblings: Monte, Impala, Porsha, Tesla, Bentley
Favourite toys: She loved playing with bells, laser pointers, fake mice and pompoms.
Birth/gotcha date: 2022-11-15
Death date: 2024-04-27
Favourite Activity: She loved playing with her siblings, jumping onto shoulders, snuggling, and climbing the curtains.
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: Not getting all the attention

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