Pet Memorial

Lexie Crawley

Lexie brought immense joy to everyone she knew. She was a rescue on March 12,2012 and she brought the deepest joy to our lives. She was a natural therapy dog. A cuddle monster. A bed hog. She loved people and loved to make everyone she knew happy. Her tongue was a weapon and she would back all 100lbs of herself into your lab or spoon with you… making you pet her and if you stopped she let you know to keep going. She had a stubborn streak. She wasn’t doing anything she didn’t want to and you could make her. She was a little tank of pure love. Every moment with Lexie was pure joy. She was innocence, forgiveness and love personified. Her love knew no bounds. She was the greatest companion and she will be deeply missed.

Pet’s name: Lexie Crawley
Nicknames: Lexie Lou. Lollipop. Lobster. Lulu.
Pet parents: Tonya Whittle & Justin Crawley
Siblings: Tetley
Favourite toys: Stuffies
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-08-15
Death date: 2022-11-06
Favourite Activity: Cuddling
Favourite food: Everything but especially peanut butter!
Least favourite thing: Cold.

Pet Memorial

Molly Tower

Mols loved her bully sticks, going for walks, staring out the front window, lying in sun patches, and poking her head out the window while we drive. She always reminded us it was super time by knocking on her food dish, which would get noisier the longer she waited. She had a unique personality, and we will miss her presence.

Pet’s name: Molly Tower
Nicknames: Mols
Pet parents: Sheldon & Carol
Favourite toys: Tennis Balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2019-11-25
Death date: 2022-10-31
Favourite Activity: Looking out the window, eating snow, going for walks, car rides
Favourite food: Bully Sticks
Least favourite thing: Being cold
Friends: Too many to count!

Pet Memorial


Toby was the best cuddle buddy and best friend anyone could ask for. He didn’t care where he was going just as long as he was by your side. He was very affectionate and was loved by everyone who met him. He will be truly missed and be in our hearts forever. xoxo

Pet parents: Deon & Lisa Vautier
Siblings: Mitchell
Favourite toys: Stuffed purple hippo
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-03-12
Death date: 2022-11-03
Favourite Activity: Going for walks and sun bathing
Favourite food: Soft treats and chicken
Least favourite thing: Fireworks and being alone.
Friends: Jasmin and Paslie

Pet Memorial


Everything was a memory! Taking him in the woods with his dad and other family members was always a great time and lots of snuggles when I’ve would let you.

Pet parents: Wanda-Leigh & Mark
Siblings: Nathaniel, Nicholas & Jaxson
Favourite toys: Donut
Birth/gotcha date: 2016-08-08
Death date: 2022-11-02
Favourite Activity: Walking
Favourite food: Anything
Least favourite thing: Not being aloud off his leash

Pet Memorial


Everyday we spent together for the last 16 years was our favourite. You left your paw prints on our hearts forever our baby.

Pet parents: Jennifer & Josh
Siblings: Cole
Favourite toys: All stuffed toys that squeak
Birth/gotcha date: 2006-10-13
Death date: 2022-11-01
Favourite Activity: Eating, playing and going for walks
Favourite food: Ceaser, wieners
Least favourite thing: Baths and going out in the rain
Friends: Loved everyone that gave him a treat

Pet Memorial


Jack was a case he was known in the neighborhood as the pink doggie he let no one walk or drive by without saying Hello. He loved to cuddle. He loved car rides. He had a big dog personality.

Pet parents: Bonnie & Rick
Siblings: Alex, Mackenzie & Nicolas
Favourite toys: Balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2008-05-02
Death date: 2022-10-12
Favourite Activity: Going for a drive in the car and going for a walk
Favourite food: Hamburgers and meat
Least favourite thing: Jack didn’t like a leash he like to be wild and free
Friends?: Champ,Gracie and Cinder

Pet Memorial


Champ was the best friend. He gave the best hugs. He loved camping, walks and playing ball, running around the yard and just hanging out next to you. He should have been named shadow. He was never far. Champ will be so missed.. Forever loved.

Pet’s name: Champ
Pet parents: Bonnie & Rick
Siblings: Alex, Mackenzie & Nicolas
Favourite toys: Basket Balls, Rubber chicken
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-04-06
Death date: 2022-10-12
Favourite Activity: Playing ball and giving hugs
Favourite food: Steak and cheese.
Least favourite thing: Cinder she gave him to many taps.
Friends: Jack, Gracie and Cinder

Pet Memorial


All our memories of Casey are good ones, she loved to cuddle, and if you sat down, she sat down, usually on you or in your lap. She wasn’t aware of how big she was. She was friendly and loving to everyone she met and only barked if she didn’t know what it was she was looking at. She loved to play ball and she enjoyed meeting new people as the more people she knew, the more cuddles she got. She always looked so serious but she was as good as gold, and such a beautiful dog and soul. There were no evil bones in her body, she was 100% pure goodness and she will be remembered for that. All dogs go to Heaven. (The picture is of her waiting to go driving with me.)

Nicknames: CaseyCo, Case,
Pet parents: AJ, Nan Jodi
Siblings: Paw sister Callie the calico cat
Favourite toys: Snoopy, empty water bottle cover, balls of any kind, toy squirrels
Birth/gotcha date: 2015-07-12
Death date: 2022-10-03
Favourite Activity: Cuddling
Favourite food: Anything humans eat
Least favourite thing: Thunder
Friends: Jeff, Chewie

Pet Memorial


Hitomi was adopted from a veterinary clinic, she was brought in along with her mother and siblings by a concerned citizen, but she was the only kitty that was healthy, everyone else were too sick to be saved. I named her ‘Hitomi’ for her beautiful eyes (Hitomi = Japanese for pupil of the eye)
As a kitten she was a little terror, but grew up into a loving girl who at times was a diva who always got her own way, so we often called her ‘the princess’.

Her best buddy was a fellow cat named Tubby until his passing in 2009, because he was the boss, Hitomi turned her back on the other cats in the house, so the daily routine was catered to her, including having her own litter, food, scratch post and water in the master bedroom. Hitomi had her own spot on the bed and would often lick and paw at my face early in the morning to get me up.

Hitomi’s long life meant she was with me through many life changes. She was there when I met met and married my husband, bought our house, she outlived numerous cats, some even older then her. She almost outlived our mortgage, and there was never a time in my relationship with my husband hat she wasn’t there, until her passing which still effects us deeply. We love our little princess so much and will never forget her.

Nicknames: Princess, Purrbox
Pet parents: Crystal & Derrick
Siblings: Tubby, Sora, Susan, Vicky, Stanley
Favourite toys: Laser Pointer
Birth/gotcha date: 2003-06-08
Death date: 2022-10-06
Favourite Activity: Licking my face and eyebrows
Favourite food: Turkey and Chicken
Least favourite thing: Little Brother Stanley

Pet Memorial


Konky was the happiest hello and the hardest goodbye.

Pet parents: Rob and Wendy Coulas
Favourite toys: Pink Piggy
Birth/gotcha date: 2006-06-13
Death date: 2022-09-27
Favourite Activity: Bed time
Favourite food: Prime rib
Least favourite thing: Vet
Friends: Pancakes, Nan and Pop, Papa