Pet Memorial

River Diesel Peddle

Today this gentle soul joined the angels. River was one of the sweetest dogs you could ever meet. He took his last ride to McDonald’s for a delicious ice cream cone that he enjoyed until the last lick. Waiting with open arms at the bridge is his human Dad, fur-siblings Roxy, Hammy, Nutmeg, Oso, and Geronimo, as well as feathered-brothers Kiwi, Chico, Robbie, and Omar. Last but not least, butterfly sister, Mariposa.
He leaves behind his human family: his mom (Ann), big sister (Emily) and two older brothers (Aaron & Joey). He also leaves behind two special fur-cousins, Bella and Zena, his loving aunt, Aunt Gail. As well as little sister Josie, and feathered-brother, Rupaul. He will also be missed by feline friend Bella Cornick, and his fence buddy, Meeko Fitzgerald. We are sure they will miss their morning chats. He will also be missed by the city garbageman and the Irving propane man, we are sure the barking was nothing personal! He was just confident they were stealing our stuff. Live like River, don’t take life too seriously. Kick some grass over the rough spots and keep moving.
Cremation has taken place. In lieu of flowers, River requests that everybody take some time to hug their fur babies extra close tonight.
As a retired CKC Champion, River will be competing in the big dog show in the sky tonight.
“River – Bayridge’s Texas Hold ‘Em”
Fly high my boy

Pet’s name: River Diesel Peddle
Pet parents: Ann & Derek Peddle
Siblings: Roxy
Favourite toys: Wind-up toy car
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-05-04
Death date: 2022-06-07
Favourite Activity: Going for walks, watching his Mom cook supper, chilling out on the couch, looking for snacks, laying out on the patio snapping at sky jalapenos (wasps)
Favourite food: Hawkins Cheezies
Least favourite thing: Swimming, anything to do with water
Friends: Kiwi, Rupaul, Chico, Robbie, Omar, Mariposa, Hammy, Nutmeg, Oso, Geronimo, and Josie

Pet Memorial


Bailey was a part of the family. Never wanting to be alone, he went where we went and did everything we did. He slowed down a lot in his senior years but Bailey was always a good sport about everything, whether it was dressing up for Halloween, getting his nails cut, or sitting around the campfire.

Pet’s name: Bailey
Pet parents: Leah and Stephen
Siblings: Brayden and Avah
Favourite toys: Not a fan of toys, did enjoy searching for tissues in purses and barking at the vacuum hose.
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-06-11
Death date: 2022-06-01
Favourite Activity: Cuddling with my humans
Favourite food: Meat of any kind
Least favourite thing: Snow

Pet Memorial

Pumpkin White

Going outside, brushing him, feeding him banana, cleaning his pen.

Pet’s name: Pumpkin
Nicknames: Bunny
Pet parents: Maddie white
Favourite toys: Cardboard boxes, his purple bag stuffed animal
Birth/gotcha date: 2015-08-07
Death date: 2022-05-23
Favourite Activity: Going outside, sleeping in box, licking his stuffed animal, eating, shredding things
Favourite food: Banana, apple, lettuce, kale
Least favourite thing: Being groomed, being picked up, people
Friends: Maddie

Pet Memorial

Mya Lynch

The day we rescued Mya, she was only 9 days old. Bottle feedings every 2 hrs. We loved every minute of watching her grow into a strong, beautiful girl. She loved going on car rides with her daddy, sit in the front seat, and I swear, she always had a smile on her face. When Mya passed, she took a peace of us with her.

Pet’s name: Mya
Nicknames: My-My
Pet parents: Graham & Cherie Lynch
Siblings: Peanut (cat brother)
Favourite toys: My Monkey
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-04-01
Death date: 2022-05-21
Favourite Activity: Going for car rides with my daddy
Favourite food: Spaghetti
Least favourite thing: Broccoli

Pet Memorial

Jersey Andersen

She was a good girl who was very loyal to her family.

Pet’s name: Jersey
Pet parents: April and Lloyd
Siblings: Samuel, Jacob and Little Cora
Favourite toys: Balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-03-09
Death date: 2022-05-13
Favourite Activity: Chasing the boys while on ski-doo
Favourite food: Steak
Least favourite thing: walking up stairs

Pet Memorial

 Bud Parsons

Our favorite memories of our sweet baby boy was simply all the cuddles! He was so loving and affectionate. Loved attention, the more he was given kisses, rubs and talked to the more his beautiful brown eyes would light up. Buddy loved the cabin/camper and coming along with Mom and Dad everywhere we went. To say our boy will be missed is an understatement… but we will forever be so beyond grateful you came into our lives and stayed for 12 beautiful years. We love you have a good day and be careful we will see you later. XO Mommy & Dad! We will miss always and forever.

Pet’s name: Bud
Nicknames: Buddy
Pet parents: Kourtney & Roger
Favourite toys: Ball
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-08-21
Death date: 2022-05-16
Favourite Activity: Cuddles
Favourite food: Apples, chicken, plain donuts.. who are we kidding.. mostly everything
Least favourite thing: Bananas and getting brushed

Pet Memorial

Rex Joseph Spragg

When Rex’s fur brother Charlie was a small puppy, we would ask the two dogs to sit on the front step before we allowed them into the house.  We asked Charlie to sit many times but he would not comply.  Rexy appeared to loose his patience. He raised his paw and thumped Charlie on the butt, pushing him into sitting position.

Rex was a caring brother and loyal family member.  He was renowned for carrying his frisbee around the neighborhood in Clovelly Trails. He will remain furever in our hearts.

Rex Joseph Spragg born January 28, 2015, died May 10, 2022

Nicknames:  “Rexy” and “Shrekx” (when his paws would turn green from running after the frisbee in the freshly cut grass)

Left to mourn:

Human Parents, Sue and Rick Spragg

Siblings, Noah (human) Charlie (Chocolate Lab) predeceased by Jack (Chocolate Lab)

Human Siblings outside the home, Tara and Daniel

Grandparents, Ron and Donald Spragg and Vic and Jean Fildes

and numerous human and fur nieces, cousins, aunts and uncles

Favourite toys: frisbees and balls
Favourite foods: bananas, apples, and yogurt
Hated: spinach and feared cats

Pet Memorial

Jack Crane

Jack was choosy about his friends, but when he loved you, you knew it. As a puppy, he chewed every corner of furniture and walls available to him but graduated to his toys quickly. He was an incredibly smart learner, but not so great in coming when called if he would make a quick escape through a door to run around the neighborhood like a greased pig with neighbors trying to catch him (LOL!). He was a little dog who thought that he was a big outdoors dog. He loved trails in the woods and no snow was too deep for him. He was the best hiking buddy ever and would walk 9 k several times a week without missing a beat. There was a time when chased a squirrel halfway up a tree before he realized that he couldn’t climb! He was particularly fond of swimming, especially he wore his floating vest. He was my best buddy at home, my l’il confidant, & a great foot warmer,, especially in bed. Rest easy little feller, & know that you were loved so very dearly.

Pet’s name: Jack Crane
Nicknames: Jackson Browndog
Pet parents: Grace Crane & loved by Bill, Pamela, Steph, Doug and Dean
Favourite toys: Anything that he could tear apart, tennis balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-02-15
Death date: 2022-05-14
Favourite Activity: Hikes, belly rubs, chasing sticks, swimming, teasing Cinder the cat, playing with Sophie the dog
Favourite food: Doggie treats and BACON! Lots and Lots of BACON!
Least favourite thing: Baths
Friends: Sophie, Milo, Riley

Pet Memorial

DJ Barrow

 Extra cuddles at night and her big morning kisses!

Pet’s name: DJ
Nicknames: Princess girl
Pet parents: Lori barrow
Siblings: Hershey
Favourite toys: Her duck
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-08-07
Death date: 2022-04-25
Favourite Activity: Walk on the beach 

Favourite food: Steak/ fish
Least favourite thing: Other Dogs
Friends: Just her brother

Pet Memorial

Roxy Roller Peddle

Roxy was the most caring and sweetest dog we could ever ask for. She loved her family deeply. It would be difficult to pick a favourite memory with Roxy, because every day we had with her was a favourite memory. We love you, Roxy!

Pet’s name: Roxy Roller Peddle
Nicknames: Mama’s Girl
Pet parents: Ann & Derek Peddle
Siblings: River
Favourite toys: Ball & squeaky toys
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-06-24
Death date: 2022-01-04
Favourite Activity: Going for walks
Favourite food: Cheezies
Least favourite thing: Pretzels, celery, and spinach
Friends: Kiwi, Rupaul, Chico, and Geronimo