Pet Memorial

Jake Wright

Many vacations with Mom, births of his siblings and cuddling in bed.

Pet’s name: JAKE
Nicknames: Jakey
Pet parents: Amanda & William Wright
Siblings: Moesha, Merlene, Amoy, Jesse, Keyvan, Harper and Diego
Favourite toys: Blanket
Birth/gotcha date: 2005-11-28
Death date: 2022-12-30
Favourite Activity: Cuddling Mom
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: Diego troubling him

Pet Memorial

Casey Woods

Casey was mommy’s little travel companion, he was always eagerly waiting at the door whenever he would see me getting my boots and coat. Always made me smile to see him so happy to go with Mommy. Anytime on the ship with his dad. Bruddy pulling him around in the garden cart.

Pet’s name: Casey
Nicknames: Little Man
Pet parents: Delilah Robar & James Organ
Siblings: Joey and Jon Woods
Favourite toys: Purple Blankie
Birth/gotcha date: 2006-01-06
Death date: 2022-12-25
Favourite Activity: Cuddling with Mommy
Favourite food: Weiners
Least favourite thing: Our Pet Rabbit Finnigan
Friends: Monroe

Pet Memorial

Bella Coffin

Playing outside, cuddling in bed, and playing with his toys. Bella was the best at making memories and leaving paw prints on our hearts.

Nicknames: Bells ❤
Pet parents: Byron & Allison
Siblings: Chloe & Lindsey
Favourite toys: Loved his taco and Blue string toy
Birth/gotcha date: 2007-02-06
Death date: 2022-12-06
Favourite Activity: Loved going outside
Favourite food: Chicken 😋
Least favourite thing: Bad weather
Friends: Bubbles and Leo

Pet Memorial

Rex Patey

There are so many memories, walking on the beach, cuddling , hanging in the garage with Aiden, Chasing Alex around the house, stealing bones from Rocco, just hanging out with us, Rex was an amazing Dog, we will miss him, he really left a paw print on our Hearts Forever 💙
Nicknames: Ricky
Pet parents: Dwayne & Denise
Siblings: Aiden & Alex
Favourite toys: Chick Chick
Birth/gotcha date: 2008-04-04
Death date: 2022-11-26
Favourite Activity: Cuddling playing with chick chick
Favourite food: His Treats
Least favourite thing: Going outside in the cold and rain
Friends?: His best Buddy and fur Brother Rocco and his other best buddy Duke

Pet Memorial

Aster Wells

Aster was our foster fail in 2018. We had fostered Aster who was just 7 months old, who was a feral, very shy, and skittish kitten who needed a lot of work and a lot of love. We took our time with him and come September when it was time to bring him back to the SPCA we just couldn’t let him go. So we adopted Aster and he became a very special part of our family, still needed a lot of work but after a year or so he came around and was just the most amazing boy, even if he was a great big ball of fur. His best pal of our other 2 cats was Zero who he spent a lot of time cuddled up with on the bed or couch and from time to time would groom his little brother. Zero is missing his pal immensely as is his sister Josie. We lost Aster on November 19th of this year and that day our hearts broke into pieces. We loved him beyond measure but he had the best life we could possibly provide him, even if it was only for 4 years.

Pet parents: Trista and Kevin
Siblings: Josie and Zero
Favourite toys: Stuffed mouse, Feather on a stick
Birth/gotcha date: 2018-02-26
Death date: 2022-11-19
Favourite Activity: Playing with his younger sibling Zero, enjoying numerous amounts of cat naps, and spending time gazing out the window
Favourite food: Friskies chunks, temptations cat treats and chicken
Least favourite thing: Meeting unfamiliar people and being disrupted from his naps
Friends: His siblings Josie and Aster

Pet Memorial

Bailey Rodgers

Baileys Favourite memories include going in the boat with dad, cabin trips with dad, camping with the family, meeting Tess & Clancy, going on walks with neighbour Becky. Getting neck deep in the muddy bog hole on our hike to chance cove, Helping Laura with nursing skills, Singing with Emma, getting kicked out of obedience school with Mom, & visiting neighbors every day for treats!

Pet’s name: Bailey
Nicknames: Beet, Baljeet, Bailey girl, Bailey boo
Pet parents: Tracy & Marshall
Siblings: Molly & Kitten
Favourite toys: Rabbit Stuffy, Bally, Dads Slipper
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-03-05
Death date: 2022-11-19
Favourite Activity: Going for drives with dad, Visiting the Neighbors, Hanging out at the Cabin
Favourite food: Cat food & denta sticks
Least favourite thing: Walking on a leash
Friends: Tess, Clancy, Becky, Wilbur, & Dad

Pet Memorial

Ava Butler

Seeing how excited she would get when she saw people whether it was someone she knew or a stranger. Holding her in my arms and holding her close. When I talked to her her look told me she was listening. She held on to every word I said. She was the sweetest girl. She did not know what it was like to be mean.

Pet’s name: Ava
Nicknames: Baby girl
Pet parents: Debbie
Siblings: Lucy
Favourite toys: She did not have one because her sister hugged all the toys
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-12-26
Death date: 2022-11-09
Favourite Activity: Lying in the sun
Favourite food: Everything
Least favourite thing: Being in the carrier

Pet Memorial

Lexie Crawley

Lexie brought immense joy to everyone she knew. She was a rescue on March 12,2012 and she brought the deepest joy to our lives. She was a natural therapy dog. A cuddle monster. A bed hog. She loved people and loved to make everyone she knew happy. Her tongue was a weapon and she would back all 100lbs of herself into your lab or spoon with you… making you pet her and if you stopped she let you know to keep going. She had a stubborn streak. She wasn’t doing anything she didn’t want to and you could make her. She was a little tank of pure love. Every moment with Lexie was pure joy. She was innocence, forgiveness and love personified. Her love knew no bounds. She was the greatest companion and she will be deeply missed.

Pet’s name: Lexie Crawley
Nicknames: Lexie Lou. Lollipop. Lobster. Lulu.
Pet parents: Tonya Whittle & Justin Crawley
Siblings: Tetley
Favourite toys: Stuffies
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-08-15
Death date: 2022-11-06
Favourite Activity: Cuddling
Favourite food: Everything but especially peanut butter!
Least favourite thing: Cold.

Pet Memorial

Molly Tower

Mols loved her bully sticks, going for walks, staring out the front window, lying in sun patches, and poking her head out the window while we drive. She always reminded us it was super time by knocking on her food dish, which would get noisier the longer she waited. She had a unique personality, and we will miss her presence.

Pet’s name: Molly Tower
Nicknames: Mols
Pet parents: Sheldon & Carol
Favourite toys: Tennis Balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2019-11-25
Death date: 2022-10-31
Favourite Activity: Looking out the window, eating snow, going for walks, car rides
Favourite food: Bully Sticks
Least favourite thing: Being cold
Friends: Too many to count!

Pet Memorial


Toby was the best cuddle buddy and best friend anyone could ask for. He didn’t care where he was going just as long as he was by your side. He was very affectionate and was loved by everyone who met him. He will be truly missed and be in our hearts forever. xoxo

Pet parents: Deon & Lisa Vautier
Siblings: Mitchell
Favourite toys: Stuffed purple hippo
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-03-12
Death date: 2022-11-03
Favourite Activity: Going for walks and sun bathing
Favourite food: Soft treats and chicken
Least favourite thing: Fireworks and being alone.
Friends: Jasmin and Paslie