Pet Memorial

Brody Oliver Hanlon

Everyday with Brody is a blessing. My most recent favorite memory is when he took his first ride in his stroller. The look on his face said it all. He was king of the world.

Pet’s name: Brody Oliver Hanlon
Pet parents: Lindsey Oliver & Dennis Hanlon
Siblings: Lucy, Rosie, Maurie, Harry and Lloyd
Favourite toys: Lamb chop
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-10-03
Death date: 2023-11-24
Favourite Activity: Eating
Favourite food: All of the food
Least favourite thing: Rosie jumping around

Pet Memorial

Abby Janes

Favourite memories: Playing soccer, she’d chase the ball around the yard and herd it back around. She was saucy, demanding bedtime when she says so, and needing every meal served on a silver platter.

Pet’s name: Abby Janes
Nicknames: Abs, Abigail, Baby Girl
Pet parents: Tammy and Woodrow Janes
Siblings: (Human) Natalie & Lauren. (Animal) Kasey, Meredith, & Pekoe
Favourite toys: Mr. Squeakers, a plush dog with red ears
Birth/gotcha date: 2005-08-26
Death date: 2023-11-22
Favourite Activity: Napping
Favourite food: Everything
Least favourite thing: Fireworks

Pet Memorial

Buddy Pierce-Andrews

We adopted our sweet old man at the age of 10. All our memories of the short 3 years with him will forever be cherished.

Pet’s name: Buddy
Nicknames: Binou, Buggas, Buggaboo
Pet parents: Shauna Pierce and Greg Andrews
Siblings: Adyson and Milo
Favourite toys: Lambie
Birth/gotcha date: 2020-09-15
Death date: 2023-11-15
Favourite Activity: Lambie laps and sleeping
Favourite food: Cheese
Least favourite thing: Being woke up

Pet Memorial

Molly Mayo

Her sitting on the back of the couch waiting for me to come home,always so happy and full of life.

Pet’s name: Molly
Nicknames: My Puppy Girl
Pet parents: Doris,(Robert)
Siblings: Lucy
Favourite toys: Her Hedgehog
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-06-09
Death date: 2023-10-12
Favourite Activity: Playing and going forvwalks
Favourite food: Peanut butter toast
Least favourite thing: Getting her Interceptor and Credellio
Friends: Michelle,Linda,Harvey,Charlie,Diesel

Pet Memorial

Zoe Follett

One of my favourite memories with Zoe is when we would hang out in the sun on the back patio for hours, cuddling in my bed or the living room watching a movie. One thing I’ll miss is she used to walk on me until she woke me up no matter what time it is so she could be let out of my room. I’ll miss waking up that way forever. my sweet perfect angel you’ll be missed by me and my sister Jada forever. We love you forever Zoe.

Pet’s name: Zoe
Nicknames?: Zo
Pet parents: Mackenzie Follett and Jada Stamp
Siblings?: Jax, Tyson, Oliver ,Sasha
Favourite toys: Her mouse toys she used to play with when she was younger
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-10-17
Death date: 2023-11-08
Favourite Activity: Lying under the christmas tree
Favourite food: Her treats and cat lickables
Least favourite thing: Belly rubs

Pet Memorial

Wilbur Davis

Boo and I have endless ‘favorite’ memories..the most notable ones being cuddling and listening to soft jazz. His purr in these moments would rival a Harley roar, and of course he would have won. 🙂 Boo had the loudest yet soothing purr I have ever heard in my life. My dear friend Barry once took a decibel level reading of his purr on an app one night and it was sent off the charts.
My Boo Boo Pie, I have loved you to the fullest and will forever . I know you have loved me to the moon and back also, we have been spiritually bound since day one. You are with me forever, and see you over the Rainbow Bridge in due time. I know I will hear you well in advance. <3 I love you forever, my Boo.

Pet’s name: Wilbur Davis
Nicknames: Boo
Pet parents: Kris Davis
Favourite toys: Fuzzy Blankets and Cushy Pillows
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-08-05
Death date: 2023-11-08
Favourite Activity: Cuddling
Favourite food: Australian lamb
Least favourite thing: The Evil Kennel

Pet Memorial

Jaxx Way

Favourite memories: Eating ice cream in the car, walks along the ocean, every goofy thing he ever did!

Pet’s name: Jaxx
Nicknames: Jaxxy Boy
Pet parents: Jade and Morgan
Siblings: Kenya, Moose and his little human Zayn
Favourite toys: All of the balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-06-27
Death date: 2023-11-02
Favourite Activity: Playing with his siblings, long walks on the farm, car rides along the cape
Favourite food: BBQ and treats
Least favourite thing: His brother stealing his toys
Friends: Everyone he’s ever met, he was the best boy!

Pet Memorial

Quinn Lambe

Quinn was the bestest dog, “child”, friend and “sister dog” we could have ever dreamed of. We could not have loved her more. Those who have had the pleasure of meeting this gentle giant know just how loveable she was. There will never be another as good. Quinn exuded love endlessly. We’ll miss her head butts for cuddles and her sniffy “kisses” (she never ever licked). The way she fully leaned in for a hug and the weight of her head on our shoulders, she would stay there forever if she could. Thanks for brining so much love to our lives the last 10 years! We love you Quinn

Pet’s name: Quinn Lambe
Nicknames: Quinner, Pin
Pet parents: Karla and Robert
Siblings: Winnie and Will
Favourite toys: Any ball
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-08-31
Death date: 2023-10-06
Favourite Activity: Cuddling with her family
Favourite food: Vanilla Timbits
Least favourite thing: Balloons

Pet Memorial

Jax Sheppard-White

We adopted Jax from the Mad Catter Cafe in May 2021. He won our hearts right away with his friendly demeanor. He loved being the center of attention and he would wait for both of us to sit down on the couch before getting up himself so he could receive maximum pets. He was the loudest cat we had ever met and would greet us with loud meows when we got home from work. His kitty cuddles were the best ever. We will always cherish the memories of the three of us being a family.

Pet’s name: Jax Sheppard-White
Nicknames: Mister Man, Buddy, Silly Boy, Sweet Boy
Pet parents: April and Marshall
Favourite toys: His banana, his fish taco, and his pink mouse.
Birth/gotcha date: 2014-09-25
Death date: 2023-09-28
Favourite Activity: Cuddles, shouting for food and napping.
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: His carrier.
Friends: Tom, Sharon, Noah and Sophie.

Pet Memorial

Maggie Rodgers

Maggie gave her Dad and Mom so many precious memories that we’ll treasure always. She was more than a “cat”. She was our precious little girl with 4 legs and fur. Every memory with her, even just the times when she would snuggle in your arms, is a favorite. Maggie loved to get up with her Dad every morning at coffee time. She loved affection and made sure you knew when she wanted loves, which was always. She loved to play bunk, box and stairs. Maggie loved it when you whispered in her ear, danced with her in your arms and sang to her. We can’t put into words how special this little soul was and how much love and joy she brought to our lives. We love you our precious little Maggie and we’ll miss you forever. You’ve taken a piece of our hearts with you.

Pet’s name: Maggie Rodgers
Nicknames: May, May Pie
Pet parents: Craig and Cindy Rodgers
Siblings: Predeceased by her sister Dot
Favourite toys: Maggie loved all of her toys, but her favorite was her little square catnip pillow
Birth/gotcha date: 2011-10-22
Death date: 2023-10-17
Favourite Activity: Giving and receiving lots of love to and from Dad and Mom
Favourite food: Chef’s dinner pate, temptations treats, shrimp, toast and yogurt
Least favourite thing: Company coming over