Pet Memorial

Alue Stephenson

Taking walks in Bowring park, lying in the sun on the deck. Loved to lay in bed with us and cuddle. Being outside while dad worked in the yard. She was a quiet gentle girl ,her personality was almost human.

Nicknames: Lulu
Pet parents: Sealy and Craig
Favourite toys: Squeaky 🐒monkey
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-09-25
Death date: 2024-04-02
Favourite Activity: Sleeping
Favourite food: Cheese slice
Least favourite thing: Being told what to do.
Friends: Ivy and Piper

Pet Memorial

Ginger Slaney

She always loved to see people coming to the house, she loved to cuddle up for a good nap and would pretend sneeze to get your attention if you weren’t looking at her.

Pet parents: Alysha Slaney
Siblings: Ryder Slaney, Mia & Tipsy
Favourite toys: Squeaky teddy
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-10-01
Death date: 2024-03-22
Favourite Activity: Going in the car for a ride
Favourite food: Caesar wet food
Least favourite thing: Getting groomed

Pet Memorial

Montana Smith

First day and her new forever home. Traveling, running in the tall grass, meeting all new people, so many memories.

Pet’s name: Montana
Pet parents: Jason and Shauna
Favourite toys: Batman doll and donut
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-11-12
Death date: 2024-03-28
Favourite Activity: Going for a walk
Favourite food: Liver treats
Least favourite thing: Cold weather