I will never forget how she loved to play with her bunnies and always give them a back kick with her left back paw and then prey on it before she tossed it up in the air. Then she would catch it and go from side to side with it in her mouth.
She also loved to snuggle in bed with you laying on her back and rolling from side to side – only for about 5 minutes if that, then she would bark and toot at you to let her get down out of the bed.
I also loved when I gave her a bath which she hated immensely I might add when I had her wrapped in her baby towels – she was just like a real baby loving to be cuddled and rocked before she was dried with the hair dryer. Oh she was such a Diva and I miss her so much. Those little pitter patters walking down the hallway – there are days I still have to check thinking she’s still here with me. “If Love Could Have Saved Her, She Would Have Lived Forever” She Will Always and Forever Be In My Heart….My Bebe Abbi

Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for your Expertise and Professionalism – You Are All Angels On Earth
Nicknames: Bebe Abbi – Abigail – Little Diva
Pet parents: Danny Antle / Beverley Brushett-Antle
Siblings: Our daughter who was Abbi’s big sissy and my daughter’s puppy Leni(Golden Doodle) whom we referred to as sissy as well.
Favourite toys: Two little Easter Bunnies
Birth/gotcha date: 2010-12-24
Death date: 2024-12-16
Favourite Activity: Abbi loved Car/Truck Rides and playing with her toy bunnies
Favourite food: McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets and Jer-High Treats
Least favourite thing: Abbi hated neck collars, harnesses and her leash. When we try to put it on her she would stand in a statue position and wouldn’t move, so she got her own way and never ever wore it. Her walks were with me side by side or in her stroller.
Friends: Leni(Golden Doodle) Brigus(Labrador Retriever) She was very choosy with family friends – only had certain favourites – She was definitely a Little Diva