Leonard Hutchings

Not long after I adopted Leonard, I woke up around 4am. I tossed and turned, but I never could get back to sleep, so I threw on some old clothes and we went hiking. We were the only two souls around for miles and the dawn turned the whole world into gold. I remember the way Leonard’s coat shone in the sun, and with all the beauty around us, he watched me like I had hung the sun especially for him. It was the perfect morning. Truly perfect.

Nicknames: Len, Bubba, Mom’s Man
Pet parents: Sarah
Siblings: Barracuda, Goosetopher, Hound
Favourite toys: Lambchop
Birth/gotcha date: 2017-03-16
Death date: 2024-12-22
Favourite Activity: Walks, Visiting Stores, Staring At Mudder
Favourite food: Dried Fish snacks
Least favourite thing: Ear Swabs
Friends: Campbell, Westley, Gloria, and all his daycare pals & clinic friends

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