
Mya you brought so much happiness and love to our lives for the past 15 years. You were brought into a house with two little kids who adored you from day one and the love only grew through out the years and they love you more even as adults. You were our constant sidekick through the good times and the bad. You loved us no matter what. Saying good bye was so difficult for us all but we know you are not suffering anymore and at peace. Thanks for the memories sweet girl and the unconditional love. We will love and miss you forever 

Nicknames: Mildred, Brian
Pet parents: Heather Kinsella
Siblings: Brady Kinsella, Kaleigh Kinsella and fur sister Maizy Mae
Favourite toys: Christmas Tree Squeaker
Birth/gotcha date: 2009-08-13
Death date: 2024-09-10
Favourite Activity: Dancing for Treats
Favourite food: Cheetos soft cheezies
Least favourite thing: Bath time

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