
Tempo was my first dog that was all mine. He was my best friend and was there for so many huge moments in my life. He was strong, independent and stubborn but he knew exactly when I needed him most. He always knew how to make us feel better.

I don’t know what to do without him, a huge piece of me went with my sweet boy and I will miss him forever

Nicknames: Tempie, T-Bo, Bubbado
Pet parents: Tara Greenland & Rebecca Forrest
Siblings: Annie, Zero, Winry, Piper and Ellie
Favourite toys: Empty water bottles and tennis balls
Birth/gotcha date: 2012-10-31
Death date: 2024-08-23
Favourite Activity: Finding hidden toys, standing on high objects (fridge especially), chasing Annie while she played fetch
Favourite food: Watermelon, soft food on a spoon, carrots
Least favourite thing: Being told he couldn’t do something he wanted to do

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