
Chloe had almost 16 years with our family and we made so many beautiful memories in that time. Everyone called her “Chloe the adventure dog” because there wasn’t much she hadn’t done. From bike rides to boat rides, to camping trips and hikes across the island. She went everywhere with us. She was the best fur sister to her human siblings Allie and Emma. They loved her immensely and enjoyed showing her off to their little friends. Our hearts are shattered and we will miss her for the rest of our days. Rest easy our beautiful girl, we’ll meet again at Rainbow Bridge.

Nicknames: Clo, Chloe Belle, Chloe Owie
Pet parents: Matthew and Meagan
Siblings: Allie and Emma
Favourite toys: Piggy toy
Birth/gotcha date: 2008-12-16
Death date: 2024-08-20
Favourite Activity: Car rides and spending time at the cabin
Favourite food: Liver treats
Least favourite thing: Getting her hair cut

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