Cranberry Driscoll 

Cranberry was my best friend since I was 11 years old. Regardless of if I was happy or sad, she was always there to let me vent and purr in response. She helped me through junior high bullies, boyfriends and breakups, losing my father, all the way to watching me get married the past summer. She lost part of her tail in a little accident a decade ago (thanks poppy Ed!) and she loved to chase her new shorter tail. She was one in a million and we will miss her forever.

Pet’s name: Cranberry
Nicknames?: Crammers
Pet parents: Victoria and Taylor
Siblings?: Chester (dog), Puddin and Harley (Cats)
Favourite toys: Catnip pillows
Birth/gotcha date: 2008-04-01
Death date: 2024-02-16
Favourite Activity: Snuggling on the top step of the stairs
Favourite food: Any wet food – as long as it was not pate
Least favourite thing: Going in the car
Friends?: Nana Donna and Uncle Matt

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