Smokey McSmokerson

I am so blessed to be Smokey’s mother. From day one he has been there for me mentally and emotionally and has honestly saved my life! No matter where we were, or how many times we moved, or if we had to spend 6 hours straight in the car, he was happy, as long as he was with me. He had the most amazing personality, sweet, calm and chill, which led some to wonder if he could even bark! THAT, is why I knew we were meant to find one another in this life. The serenity, tranquility and abundance of love that he emanated, is what filled me with the hope, faith, positivity and belief that I need to get through any and all obstacles.
Smokey taught me what unconditional love truly is.. and although I am grieving and miss him dearly, I wouldn’t trade the time we had together for anything. I have, and always will have, an overwhelming abundance of love, joy and gratitude that I was blessed with this little Angel sent down from Heaven to protect me. He not only saved my life, but he made a huge impact on my life, for the better! He will always be with me and I am furrever grateful <3

Pet’s name: Smokey McSmokerson
Nicknames: The Man, Little McLoverson, Sir Humps Alot, Smokalicious
Pet parents: Melissa and Scott
Favourite toys: The by’s: Hedgehog and Moose
Birth/gotcha date: 2013-10-04
Death date: 2024-02-01
Favourite Activity: Walks in Bowring Park, Car rides, cuddles and kisses
Favourite food: Bacon, and his moms underwear! hahaha
Least favourite thing: Piranha
Friends: Best friend Bailey

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