Jax Sheppard-White

We adopted Jax from the Mad Catter Cafe in May 2021. He won our hearts right away with his friendly demeanor. He loved being the center of attention and he would wait for both of us to sit down on the couch before getting up himself so he could receive maximum pets. He was the loudest cat we had ever met and would greet us with loud meows when we got home from work. His kitty cuddles were the best ever. We will always cherish the memories of the three of us being a family.

Pet’s name: Jax Sheppard-White
Nicknames: Mister Man, Buddy, Silly Boy, Sweet Boy
Pet parents: April and Marshall
Favourite toys: His banana, his fish taco, and his pink mouse.
Birth/gotcha date: 2014-09-25
Death date: 2023-09-28
Favourite Activity: Cuddles, shouting for food and napping.
Favourite food: Chicken
Least favourite thing: His carrier.
Friends: Tom, Sharon, Noah and Sophie.

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