
Hitomi was adopted from a veterinary clinic, she was brought in along with her mother and siblings by a concerned citizen, but she was the only kitty that was healthy, everyone else were too sick to be saved. I named her ‘Hitomi’ for her beautiful eyes (Hitomi = Japanese for pupil of the eye)
As a kitten she was a little terror, but grew up into a loving girl who at times was a diva who always got her own way, so we often called her ‘the princess’.

Her best buddy was a fellow cat named Tubby until his passing in 2009, because he was the boss, Hitomi turned her back on the other cats in the house, so the daily routine was catered to her, including having her own litter, food, scratch post and water in the master bedroom. Hitomi had her own spot on the bed and would often lick and paw at my face early in the morning to get me up.

Hitomi’s long life meant she was with me through many life changes. She was there when I met met and married my husband, bought our house, she outlived numerous cats, some even older then her. She almost outlived our mortgage, and there was never a time in my relationship with my husband hat she wasn’t there, until her passing which still effects us deeply. We love our little princess so much and will never forget her.

Nicknames: Princess, Purrbox
Pet parents: Crystal & Derrick
Siblings: Tubby, Sora, Susan, Vicky, Stanley
Favourite toys: Laser Pointer
Birth/gotcha date: 2003-06-08
Death date: 2022-10-06
Favourite Activity: Licking my face and eyebrows
Favourite food: Turkey and Chicken
Least favourite thing: Little Brother Stanley

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